The New Enemy
How to Survive This Pandemic-the easy way, is my four important tips for surviving this Pandemic. Don’t Panic! Be Prepared! Stay Informed! and Remain Alert!
Fortunately for me, I have been mildly involved as a prepper over the years. I enjoy the benefits of having prepared for dangerous situations, and now I can apply them to this Pandemic.
Before the Pandemic
- always have extra supplies of food and water on hand
- monitor your prescription drug supplies if necessary
- are you satisfied with your supply of over-the-counter drugs, such as pain relievers, cough and cold medicines
- vitamins and energy drinks
- copies of your medical records
- family discussions on how to care for each other
- and other such concerns
Time to Be A Prepper
I’ve been preparing for these outcomes all along. I am not a “hard core” prepper, but I am a prepper.
I am a prepper in the sense that I like to be prepared for whatever the situation is. I have made it a lifestyle to prepare myself so that I am best able to look after myself, and my family.
I have been practicing and writing about methods on “How to Survive in the Wilderness”, for many years, and I am making these statements boldly, to say that Surviving This Pandemic, and Surviving any Crisis, have a lot in common.
How to Survive This Pandemic, is simply an extension of my wilderness survival methods.
My 4 Tips on How to Survive this Pandemic
I will keep my list short and sweet so that it is easy to follow and understand.
If you go “back to basics”, you will be well ahead of everyone who does not value the importance of simplicity. I will also be expanding on these methods, in the weeks to come, so come back for more detailed information on some of the specifics.
Don’t Panic Be Prepared Stay Informed Remain Alert
What to do Now
- Educate yourself, consistently and deliberately, on how to get through the Pandemic.
- Make a list of all the major areas of concern that you are lacking in.
- Keep a Grocery List of the foods you normally buy.
- Have a list of Your Financials
- Build a list of the Friends and Family you have to Stay in Touch with.
- Save a list of your “vehicle needs”, such as insurance and maintenance records.
- Once you have completed these lists, put them all in one scribbler or book, so that you know where they are and that you have easy access to them. This list is a vital part of your lifeline.
1. Don’t Panic
This is your first and most important tip. You must remain mentally alert, so that you can be of benefit to yourself first, and to others second. If you are panicking and running around “like a chicken with its head cut off”, you are of no use to yourself AND to anyone else.
If you have ever flown on a plane, you know that you MUST put your oxygen mask “on yourself” first, so that you can help others.
Panicking in a crisis situation makes it worse for everyone, including you. Panic arises when you are suddenly thrust into a dangerous situation. It is a normal reaction.
As soon as you are out of danger, “Take 3 deep breaths and relax”. If there is no immediate danger to you and your loved ones, do this again, and force yourself to do it more often, from now on. This is never a bad idea.
2. Be Prepared
The adage, ” Be Prepared “, has never been more applicable for you, than it is today. Now that you’ve taken a few deep breaths, you are better able to assess your situation. If you are not in any physical danger, at this very moment, then, your next step, is to assess your method of thinking. Calm yourself with relaxed breathing.
There is no need to run to the store, and buy everything that’s on the shelves. You don’t need 100, or 200 rolls of toilet paper. You do not need Liters or Gallons of hand sanitizer. What you need most of all, is a calm mind, and a clear thinking process.
3. Stay Informed
Knowing as much as you can about this Pandemic that you are in, presently, is super important. The men and women who train for times like this, call it, “Situational Awareness”.
In today’s Age of Information, this is never a problem.
Monitor what the “authorities” are saying. This does not necessarily mean that you follow along like the proverbial sheep, but you must educate yourself, properly and deliberately, with the information that you are receiving. Look for the information that you need, and that is not being offered where you are looking, at the present moment.
4. Remain Alert
- This Pandemic is going to be around for a long time.
- You must change your way of thinking if you have not done so already.
- By this I mean, that you must learn to adapt.
- You will have to adapt to new things more frequently than you have ever had to do before.
I will be expanding on these basics in the weeks, and months, to come. This Pandemic is going to be with us for a while. You will have to adapt to this new reality. Learn as much as you can about this virus, and stay informed, don’t panic, you will survive. It is built into your genetic code.
Survive This Pandemic
Surviving this pandemic will be a lot easier if you are prepared and you don’t panic. Remain informed about your situation at all times and stay alert.
Closing Thoughts
I want to repeat that by remaining calm and being prepared life will be a whole lot easier. Do not panic and stay alert. You will survive and life will continue in an improved manner because of your efforts.
Stay strong to protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones.
If you have any comments or concerns about pandemic information not mentioned in this post, you can leave them in the comment section below.