Fun Facts about Fishing

Ten "fun facts" about Fishing

What are some of these fun facts about fishing? Humans have been fishing for over 40,000 years. Think of all the fishing stories that have been told during this period of time. This is my fishing story. The melting snows have made the rivers overflow their banks and the silt and debris that’s rushing down … Read more

What is the Best Survival Kit?

What is the best survival kit? In an effort to understand what makes up the best survival kit, let’s begin by defining what a survival kit really is. A survival kit is a collection of items, tools, and things that should make the aftermath of an emergency or disastrous situation easier to bear. Do not always think about … Read more

The Best Field Guide for Birds

The Best Field Guide for Birds

What is the best field guide for Birds? This seemingly harmless question, can draw stares of disbelief and easily begin a very animated discussion, whenever I meet a birder. I have to begin by describing what a field guide is, and what it is not. What is a Field Guide? A field guide is a … Read more