The Best Backcountry Compact Stove

Snow Peak Gigapower Stainless Steel Stove

Product Description

This is an excellent quality, light, and extremely compact backcountry stove. The burner is fully adjustable and has excellent simmering characteristics. The GigaPower has a quick boil time, using a proprietary, ultra-high-quality blend of isobutane, butane, and propane, which

  • Packs into a small , strong plastic case – 8.5 x 4.5 x 3.5 cm.
  • 110-gram canister will burn for about 45 minutes at full output.
  • 220-gram canister will burn for about 75 minutes at full output.
  • Fuel canister available separately.
  • windscreen sold separately

My Rating

9.8 out of 10

Continue reading to find out why I give it such high marks.


This stove weighs 90 grams and is ideal for backpacking in the backcountry.

The fuel is LPG ( liquefied propane gas ). The burner parts are constructed of brass, aluminum, and stainless steel. The stove burner has an output of 10000 BTU’s and it will boil 1 liter of water in 3.5 to 4 minutes at sea level. It simmers very well and I have also added the windscreen that goes with this stove.

My Review Of This Stove

I have owned The Snow Peak Gigapower Stainless Steel Stove for many years now and I have carried it with me almost every time I head out into the backcountry. This stove is not in the same league as the ” white gas ” type stoves, however, if you are looking for an excellent, top performer this is a stove that I can surely recommend!

My Favorite

This is my favorite stove and it has never let me down.

I always carry this in my day-pack with a small 110-gram canister for a quick mid-day coffee or tea.

It fits well into the Snow Peak pot and cup, – canister and stove.

Excellent companion in the Backcountry!

Don’t leave home without it!

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this stove, other stove types please feel free to leave them below. I will answer them all in a timely manner.


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