5 Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas

5 Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is only days away. Only 3 days remaining!

Are you forgetting your Dad?

This Year Father’s Day is on Sunday, June 18. 

How are you dealing with this?

The only person in the world that can even come close to a Great Dad on Father’s Day is another Great Dad.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads – worldwide.

Are You Struggling with Gift Ideas?

Well here are 5 great gift ideas for you.

  1. Exercise Equipment

All dads love to exercise, even if it’s just a little bit. Now that you know this, consider all the possibilities that are available to you in this category alone. Stationary Exercise Equipment, a new bike, a canoe, a kayak, a fishing pole, a new set of Golf clubs.

You can even include winter sports in this category.

2. Tickets to their Favorite Sporting Events

Why not get your Dad Season Tickets to his favorite Sport’s Team. Is he a Baseball, Football or Hockey fan? These Season Tickets can be easily purchased online in any city and for all the major sports.

Don’t forget tickets to his favorite Rock Group or even tickets to the Opera.

3. Computers and/or Computer Software

Many Dads love to play computer games or spent a lot of time surfing the net.

How well you know your Dad can quickly bring dozens of ideas to your creative mind.

4. Clothing

Don’t just think of the ” suit and tie ” market. Dads love sports clothing, high-tech rainwear, fishing vests, new waders, hiking boots, hunting clothes, and hockey skates.

Running shoes, sports shorts, baseball caps of their favorite team and also ” funny hats “.

5. Gift Cards

And of course, if your dad is hard to shop for, and you’ve left it to the last minute, you can always get him Gift Cards.

With a gift card in hand, your wonderful Dad can always purchase what HE wants … WHEN he wants.

I love Gift Cards for 2 reasons,

#1   I can buy whatever I want, when I want to and when I have the time.

#2  Being the great Dad that I am, I Don’t want to see my family struggle to come with Gift Ideas that I might like.

I always like receiving Gift Cards, so if you’ve left it to the last minute get out there and get your Dad a Gift Card to save the day. You will always be a Hero in your Dad’s eye … wink … wink …

Bonus Idea

Take your Dad out for dinner and surprise him while he’s sipping on his cold beverage.

In Conclusion

No need for me to tell you that, your Dad is the greatest! This is why all the dads of the world get together from time to time to tell each other how great we really are!

All the mothers of the world AGREE that on Father’s Day, … Dads are the Greatest!

If you have any comments, questions, or more suggestions, about Gift Ideas for all the Dads of the world, please send them in quickly so we don’t miss out on thanking our Fathers for all the great things they do for us.

Like other people … Dads also like to be APPRECIATED!

Show them that you value the many contributions they bring to our lives.

And remember this well.

Dads care more about you remembering them than how much money you have to spend on your gifts … you see … lots of DADS are not that good at remembering how much you spent on Father’s Day but they’re real good at remembering their family.

4 thoughts on “5 Great Father’s Day Gift Ideas”

  1. My husband is hard to shop for but I can’t go wrong with a sporting team shirt or cap. The kids like to give him things that he can use so a cap is always a good bet on Father’s day.

    Happy Father’s Day to you!

    • Thank’s for the Father’s Day wishes. Happy to hear your thoughts on gifts for your husband. Just make sure you get the “team” correct. … lol … Paul

  2. I found this very helpful, every year I wonder what to buy for Father’s day. Where I live, it is not until September so I will keep this information handy. You have some great ideas, I like the tickets to a sporting event idea and also the computer items idea, anyone who enjoys using a computer is always in need of something

    • Thanks, Angela. 

      Happy to be of help to you. With a few months to prepare your Dad is going to be one hell of a lucky guy. 

      Aren’t Dads great all year long!

      My research tells me that you probably live south of the equator in the land of beaches and sunshine. Am I correct in assuming that you probably see the southern cross at night in your sky? 

      What types of gifts are you considering for your dad? 

      Is he hard to shop for? 


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