The Benefits Of Being Outdoors

 The Benefits Of Being Outdoors

  • It may be a beautiful , sunny day . Walking , running or simply relaxing outdoors will expose you to the wonderful rays of the sun . The sun’s warmth and energy has no equal . Think Vitamin D .
  • It may be raining . What an opportunity to try out those new boots or that new umbrella . Be grateful for the water we drink , the water that keeps us clean , and the water we use to grow our crops and produce our food .

Country Or City

  •  If you live in the country , walking will introduce you the many sounds of birds , insects and other wildlife . Soon you will be able to recognize many different species by the sounds they make or the songs they sing .
  • If you live in the city , there are many lakes , beaches and parks to visit . Aquariums , Science Exhibits , Archives and Museums offer endless hours of study and exploration .


  •       Play Sports . Badminton , Volleyball , Basketball and Frisbee … the list is endless .

Social Benefits

  •  Walk with your children , walk with your parents , walk as a family .
  • Meet your neighbors . Meet the people on your street . Start the conversation , you may be surprised . Many of them will answer back , and very often in a friendly way .
  • People are less stressed when they are away from the hustle and bustle of work and enjoying the serenity of their homes and neighborhoods .

Macro, Close, Blossom, Bloom, Nature


  • Gardening is a form of Natural Meditation and a wonderful way to meet new people . People will talk all day about their gardens . Walking down any quite street will almost always expose you to a garden or a gardener .
  • Being outdoors will have you , at the least Walking , which is perhaps the Best form of exercise known .
  • Now that you are Outdoors , Walking in the sunshine , enjoying Nature with the song birds for company , what a nice opportunity to review your New Year’s Resolutions . Come to think of it … Exercise was on the top of your list … funny thing is … your doing it right now ! … and it doesn’t even hurt one bit …

Red Robin, Bird, Chick, Nature, Animal

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